Study Calligraphy after the Holidays!

Join me in an online zoom class at Stanford Continuing Studies

Art 50
Calligraphy and Letterform: History, Methods, and Practice

February 7 - March 13, 2024
Six Wednesdays — 7:00 - 8:50pm Pacific Time


ART 50 is an invaluable introduction to calligraphy practice specifically designed for enthusiastic beginning and intermediate students as well as returning artists who finally have time to spend at the drawing board! It is an extensive overview, covering the main aspects of the field of handwritten letterform and text art, as well as an intro to the nomenclature and design terms that are involved in talking about and critiquing letterform art. The two-hour demos show how to use the tools and media, how to do the assignments, and are backed up by extensive reference documents and visual history. Videos are available for the entire quarter, and my presence online in the asynchronous Canvas LMS continues for the entire time.

I spend individual time with each student as they post, offering feedback, suggestions, and next steps. See my web page for images and more info!

Two weights - Meditation on line and juncture